About Ranft Photography

I truly enjoy meeting & learning about my clients, but here is a little something about who we are! I’m a wife, mom, and artist, my art form is photography. My husband is a father, veteran, hard worker, and is also an amazing photographer. We really enjoy sharing this passion,  I do majority of the photo shoot’s, all processing, editing, design and business stuff. We enjoy playing outside, spending time at the Oregon Zoo, snuggling up as a family & watching movies, and of course photographing every chance we get!  So if you see a lot of posts with our daughter and son that is because we are out every chance we get! If we don’t have a client booked & that crazy Oregon sun peeks out we will take advantage!!!

Ranft Photography was founded in October 2011 the same time that our wonderful little girl was born! Although I have been a photographer for around 20 years capturing weddings, senior photos & other memories for friends & family. When our daughter was born I realized how amazing it was to be able to capture every moment and wanted to share that ability with others. I feel absolutely blessed to capture such important memories in my clients lives. To me, photography is more than just a picture, it’s a moment captured in time. A priceless memory that we can relive over and over every time we look at that image. I truly love what I do and I am honored to be able to capture such important parts of your life!

Please keep in touch with me through Facebook, and subscribe to my blog so you’re the first to know when I’ve got news & information to share! I sincerely thank you for visiting and hope to hear from you soon!

Kellee Dauner - June 6, 2013 - 4:20 am

Yay Ranft Photography!

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